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Mentor Moment #11: Seek First to Understand, BEFORE You Take Action

Market leaders understand the importance of gathering information before they take action.

They have the experience and discernment to make decisions based on facts and not; emotions, gut instinct or intuition. Market leaders value and seek the opinions of others, particularly those closest to the customer.

The Bible reinforces this point as you can see in Proverbs 15;

“Folly is joy to him who is destitute of discernment,

But a man of understanding walks uprightly

Without Counsel, plans go awry…”

Basically what we learn here is none of us has an unlimited perspective and we need to invite multiple viewpoints to our own. This is particularly true the more important the undertaking we are about to execute.

Market losers rely on; “ …the way we do things around here”, their gut, and intuition which often results in a READY-FIRE- AIM execution.

How about your team?


Do you seek first to understand or do you make knee jerk reactions?


Do your leaders ask input from soldiers on the frontline?


If not, how’s that working for you?

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