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10 Effective Sales Strategies for Small Businesses You Need to Know About

Estimated read time: 7 minutes

If you’re a small business owner, you know how important it is to have a strong sales strategy. After all, without sales, your business can’t survive. However, after conducting voice of the customer research with over 1300 small to mid-sized manufacturers, we heard loud and clear they need help with sales strategy. But with so many different sales strategies and experts out there with their own opinions, out there, how do you know which ones will work best for your small business?

In this article, we’ll explore 10 effective sales strategies that small businesses can use to drive revenue growth and increase customer loyalty. You may think it can’t be this simple..but it can be. Our no smoke and mirrors process is actually simple to follow. From understanding your target market to building strong customer relationships and leveraging social media, these strategies will help you create a winning sales strategy for your small business.

Understanding Your Target Market and Customers

Why knowing your target market and customers is crucial for effective sales?

Understanding your target market  and current customers is the first step in creating a successful sales strategy. By knowing who you’re selling to, you can tailor your approach to their needs and preferences. We must understand your customers today. What challenges are they facing? What are their goals? How is their business evolving?

Tips for defining your target market and understanding their needs and preferences

Building Relationships with Customers

Why building relationships with customers is important for repeat business?

Building strong relationships with your customers is key to generating repeat business. Loyal customers are more likely to recommend your products or services to others. When you read the research, most salespeople are receiving less than 45% of the benefits their relationships could have with their customers. Customers today do not want or need a “rep” they want and need trusted advisors helping them meet the goals of their business. Salespeople must have multiple relationships within key customer not just one with the buyer. Most key decisions are being made by four or more decision makers and influencers. Sales must identify those decisionmakers and strategically build relationships with each one.

Strategies for building strong relationships

  • Personalized communication: Address customers by name and tailor your communication to their preferences.
  • Exceptional customer service: Respond quickly to customer inquiries and resolve issues promptly.
  • Solicit feedback: Ask customers for their opinions and show that you value their input.
  • Understand how your customers make money
  • Connect the dots between what you sell and how it impacts your customer’s bottom-line
  • Identify the 4-5 key decision making contacts you must build relationships with
  • Speak the language of your customers

Leveraging Social Media

The role of social media in modern sales strategies?

Social media has become an essential tool for connecting with customers and reaching new audiences. By leveraging social media, you can build brand awareness and engage with potential customers. Today market leading teams are taking an omni channel approach to have conversations with customers leveraging LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, emails, dimensional mailers, phone calls, Zoom meetings, Articles in trade publications, white paers and videos to name a few.

Tips for effectively using social media

  • Build your content map for 6-12 months
  • Consistent message in each social platform
  • Choose the right platforms: Focus on the social media platforms where your target audience is most active.
  • Post regularly: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged.
  • Use visuals: Share eye-catching images and videos to capture your audience’s attention.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments and messages and encourage interaction.

Focusing on Benefits, Not Features

Why focusing on benefits is more effective than features?

Stop playing feature and benefit BINGO with customers. Customers are more interested in how your product or service will benefit them rather than the features it offers. Focusing on benefits makes your sales pitch more compelling and relatable. When surveyed over 65% of C-Suite executives shared they would meet with a salesperson if they had a compelling business case. We must teach our sales teams how to build business cases and have the business acumen required for those conversations that lead to revenue.

Strategies for highlighting benefits

  • Connect benefits to customer needs: Explain how your product or service addresses their pain points.
  • Use stories: Share customer success stories to demonstrate the value of your offerings.
  • Offer comparisons: Show how your product or service outperforms competitors in terms of benefits.
  • Build your business case on how your product or service will impact one of your customer’s value drivers

Streamlining Your Sales Process

The benefits of streamlining your sales process.

A streamlined formal sales process leads to increased efficiency and effectiveness, which ultimately results in higher sales. Teams who design and implement a formal sales process typically experience a 15% increase in revenue within 12 months. Your sales process must be designed based on how your customers buy today.

Tips for streamlining your process

  • Utilize technology: Use CRM systems and sales automation tools to manage and track leads.
  • Define clear steps: Outline a clear sales process with specific steps for your sales team to follow.
  • Define what must occur to move a sale through your formal sales process to the next phase
  • Continuously optimize: Regularly review and update your sales process based on data and feedback.
  • Identify messaging and tools for each phase of your sales process
  • Have the discipline to follow it
  • Have sales managers who hold sales teams accountable to follow it

Creating Urgency

The importance of creating urgency?

Creating urgency encourages customers to make a purchase decision quickly. This can help you close deals faster and improve your overall sales. We often help salespeople by changing their beliefs. One limiting belief we need to change is if I quote the customer they will buy when they are ready. If your team is following this belief, you are losing sales you could have won. When we train salespeople and equip them with selling skills, we teach them how to create urgency so the buyer takes action, More deals are lost to no action than to competitors today.

Strategies for creating urgency

  • Limited time offers: With inflation pressures we are recommending quotes only be vail for 30 days.
  • Time-sensitive – when qualifying the opportunity clearly understand when the customer needs the problem solved
  • Scarcity: Highlight the limited availability of your product or service to encourage prompt action.
  • Identify for the customer the cost of doing nothing. How will doing nothing impact their bottom-line and their customer satisfaction?

Monitoring and Analyzing Sales Data

The benefits of monitoring and analyzing sales data?

Tracking and analyzing sales data allows you to identify areas for improvement, optimize your sales strategies, and make data-driven decisions. In my next book: Explosive Growth we share there is dollars in your data if you know where to look. Customers no longer want reps, they want consultants masquerading as salespeople. We must bring our customers actionable insights based on data.

Tips for effectively tracking and analyzing sales data

  • Set measurable goals: Establish clear, quantifiable objectives for your sales team.
  • Use analytics tools: Leverage sales analytics software to gather and analyze data.
  • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs): Track metrics such as conversion rates, average deal size, and sales cycle length.
  • Regularly review data: Schedule periodic data reviews to identify trends and make adjustments to your sales strategies.
  • Set KPIs based on leading and lagging indicators

Encouraging Customer Referrals

The power of customer referrals for small business growth?

Customer referrals are a powerful way to grow your small business. When we conduct voice of customer research over 90% of customers would be happy to give referrals if asked but sadly less than 12% of salespeople ask for referrals. Who better to ask than someone who is happy , satisfied and believes your team is competent in your area and they trust you? People trust recommendations from friends and family, making referrals a highly effective sales strategy.

Strategies for encouraging and incentivizing customer referrals

  • Conduct voice of customer research and identify high net promotor scores
  • Make it easy: Simplify the referral process by providing a clear call-to-action and easy-to-use referral tools.
  • Ask for referrals: Remind customers to share their experiences with others and provide testimonials.
  • Show appreciation: Thank customers for their referrals and let them know you value their support.

Network and Build Relationships

Connecting with other business owners, industry professionals, and potential customers can help you grow your sales. Over 90% of my business comes from referrals. When I launched my business, I identified other business services that helped my target of small to mid-sized companies but di don’t offer similar services. I send them referrals and they send me referrals. I encourage all my clients to join local business Chamber groups and trade associations to build strategic relationships.

    • Attend industry events: Participate in conferences, trade shows, and networking events to meet new contacts and stay up to date on industry trends.
    • Join local business groups: Connect with other small business owners in your area to share ideas and collaborate on projects.
    • Build relationships: Focus on building genuine, long-term relationships with your contacts to increase the likelihood of referrals and repeat business.
    • Give first, refer you customers to the new people you meet and watch their referrals gow

Developing a Strong Sales Team

The importance of a strong effective sales team for small business success?

A strong sales team is crucial for the success of your small business. Well-trained and motivated salespeople can effectively sell your products or services and drive revenue. The sad reality is less than 50% of salespeople have received sales skills training. They know your product, service and applications, but they lack the skills to start conversations that are so compelling they lead to revenue.

In addition to skills, we must have the right sales structure based on the way your customers want to buy. More and more of my clients are adapting a hybrid sales model. Some of the sale occurs virtually and some face to face. We need to make sure you have the right people in the right roles to reach your revenue growth targets. Here we leverage sales effectiveness assessments to ensure the people in the roles have the right skills.

We also use the sales prehire assessment to not waste time interviewing candidates who lack the skills , beliefs, and motivations to do the job you need them to do.

Tips for hiring and training an effective sales team

  • Use as sales effectiveness assessment instrument not just a personality test
  • Hire for attitude and potential: Look for candidates with a positive attitude and the potential to grow and adapt.
  • Provide ongoing training: Invest in regular training and development programs to keep your sales team up to date on industry trends and best practices.
  • Hire salespeople with the right skills by role in your sales structure
  • Set clear expectations: Clearly communicate goals and expectations to your sales team.
  • Offer support and resources: Provide your sales team with the tools and resources they need to succeed.
  • Develop a formal onboarding training program
  • Interview for competency and cultural fit with your organization’s values



To sum up, the 10 effective sales strategies for small businesses covered in this article are:

  1. Understanding your customers and target market(s)
  2. Building relationships with customers
  3. Leveraging social media
  4. Focusing on benefits, not features
  5. Streamlining your sales process
  6. Creating urgency
  7. Monitoring and analyzing sales data
  8. Encouraging customer referrals
  9. Developing a strong sales team

By implementing these strategies, you can set your small business up for success and drive growth. Remember, effective sales strategies are the backbone of any thriving small business, so take the time to invest in and refine your approach.

If you would like our help assessing your current sales team’s skills, sales process and training your sales reps to become the trusted advisors your customers want and need, lets schedule a call.

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