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Execution: The Often-Overlooked Skill in Scaling Organizations

In the first quarter of 2024, the execution of a strategic plan is critical for businesses aiming to achieve their goals and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving environment. This period sets the tone for the rest of the year, and successful implementation requires meticulous planning, flexibility, and a commitment to adapt to unforeseen challenges.

As a Certified Scaling Up coach we help CEOs, Business owners and senior leadership teams profitably scale their business.

As we help teams, we look at four key decision areas.





The execution phase begins with thoroughly understanding the strategic one-page plan crafted during the preceding months. Clear communication of objectives to all stakeholders, from top-level management to frontline employees, is essential for alignment and commitment to the overarching goals. Transparency fosters a shared sense of purpose and helps create a unified approach towards execution.

Resource allocation is a key aspect of successful execution. Businesses need to ensure that they have the right people, with the right skills in the right roles, technology, and financial resources in place to carry out the strategic initiatives outlined in the plan. Adequate training and development programs may be necessary to empower employees with the skills required to fulfill their roles effectively. When we assess sales teams, for example, we often find gaps in sales skills like discovery, qualifying, consultative selling, value-based selling, business acumen, closing skills, and key account growth skills. We also help coach sales mindset, accountability, and sales leader training.

Monitoring progress and adapting to changing circumstances are crucial components of successful execution. Regular check-ins with daily huddles, performance metrics, and key performance indicators (KPIs) provide insights into the plan’s effectiveness. We work with organizations to establish leading and lagging indicators. If certain aspects are not proceeding as anticipated, the plan may need to be adjusted to accommodate new information or changing market conditions.

Risk management plays a pivotal role during execution. Businesses must be prepared to address unforeseen challenges and risks that may arise. For example, we often help clients connect with cybersecurity experts to protect their systems and data. We also review industry trends in our strategic planning sessions and identify new trends that may become challenges impacting the bottom line. This involves having contingency plans in place, fostering a culture of adaptability, and being open to revising strategies based on real-time feedback.

Collaboration and cross-functional communication are vital for the success of any strategic plan. Departments and teams must work cohesively towards common objectives, breaking down silos and promoting a holistic understanding of the organization’s goals. We often facilitate team-building exercises to build trust and communication. We often prescribe DISC assessments to help open lines of communication once everyone knows their personality style and how to adapt communication to other styles. We encourage innovation and problem-solving, ensuring that the organization remains agile in its approach.

Customer feedback is another crucial element to consider during execution. When was the last time you conducted Voice of Customer Research? Customers are facing new challenges, and market-leading organizations take the pulse of their customers and markets with frequent voice of customer research, identifying customer satisfaction levels and gathering insights to help their customers grow. Businesses should actively seek and respond to customer insights, adjusting strategies based on market reception. This customer-centric approach enhances the likelihood of success, as it aligns the strategic plan with the evolving needs and preferences of the target audience.

In summary, the execution of a strategic plan in the first quarter of 2024 requires a combination of clear communication, resource allocation, ongoing monitoring, risk management, collaboration, and customer feedback.

Businesses that navigate this period successfully set themselves on a path to achieving their objectives and remaining adaptable in an ever-changing business landscape.

Does your team need help refining your one-page strategic plan?

Does your sales team have the skills to execute your strategic plan?

When did you last conduct voice-of-the-customer research to gain valuable insights to drive explosive growth?

Does your leadership team have a high degree of trust, and do they often have constructive conversations with differing views?

Let’s schedule a call if you want to learn more about our proven process to ensure the execution of your strategic plan.

The time to ensure your team will execute this year’s growth plan is Q1, not Q4.

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