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Transform Your CRM Experience: Emulating the Accountability and Effectiveness of Noom

What do your salespeople think about your CRM? be honest…do they love it?Or do they feel it is a necessary evil they dread updating? As we assess salespeople today their knowledge how to use a CRM and if they use if frequently( live in it) is something we want to know. Far too many salespeople have a CRM they do not use or one they enter the bare minimum into it each day to avoid difficult conversations with their sales manager. Or entering data is so difficult they spend more time with data entry than speaking with customers. The CRM becomes more of a data logging software than a relationship management tool.

When I coach salespeople with negative mindsets about their CRM I share a good CRM will help you make more sales, at more gross margins, improve customer satisfaction and make you more income. This is often an interruption to how most salespeople view their CRM.

What is the issue with CRM’s that make so many salespeople hate them?

Could it be they are too difficult to navigate?

Could it be salespeople were not trained how to use it?

Could it be salespeople feel it’s a tool for big brother to watch them and not one to grow revenue?

Could it be you have the wrong CRM for your sales environment?

Could it be the CRM does not follow your formal sales process?

Could it be the CRM asks for more than your company needs or uses?

Or could it be someone needs to develop a new CRM?

In the world of customer relationship management (CRM), the parallels between managing client relationships and personal wellness are striking. Just as a weight loss app like Noom holds users accountable, measures the right activities, and provides real-time Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for progress and training, a CRM system should do the same for businesses seeking to nurture and grow their client base.

In January I was frustrated. I was at the highest weight I have ever been. I investigated several weight loss plans and fitness programs. The one thing they all had in common was if you invest in them but not actually do them you will get no results.

I found Noom. If you are not familiar Noom provides everything a modern CRM should.

Training and Coaching– several quick online courses with quizzes.

Goal– you enter a desired targeted weight

Accountability– you weigh in each day

Activity tracking – what activities did you accomplish

Intake logging – what did you eat each day and the app shares the calories by each meal choice and total calories by day verse targeted calories to meet your weight loss target.

Mobile– it is on my cell phone, and I can easily update it in real time

Continuous education– the app knows common challenges and stumbling blocks leveraging AI and it will send you short training to get you back on track.You have the ability to review past courses.

Coaching– the app sends me texts reminding me to log my meals, complete the courses or log my water intake or movement for the day

Rewards– the app rewards you when you follow the program

As of this morning I have lost 31 pounds with Noom and four inches off my waist. The app shows me my progress and I will be at my targeted weight by September if I follow the training, coaching and I am accountable to log my information each day. The app actually motivates me to want to achieve my goal and it makes it fun.

What should a modern CRM provide today?


Much like Noom helps users stay accountable to their weight loss goals by tracking their food intake and exercise, a CRM system should hold salespeople accountable to their customer relationship objectives. This means:

Activity Logging: Users should log their interactions with clients, whether it’s emails sent, calls made, or meetings scheduled.

Task Management: Set reminders and tasks to follow up with clients, ensuring no opportunity slips through the cracks.

Progress Tracking: Monitor progress towards sales targets and customer satisfaction metrics to stay on course.

Measuring the Right Activities

Noom focuses on measuring the right activities for weight loss success, such as food consumption, exercise frequency, and mindset shifts. Similarly, a CRM should track the activities that drive customer engagement and revenue growth. This includes:

Lead Engagement: Monitor the frequency and quality of interactions with potential clients to gauge interest and tailor future communications.

Customer Feedback: Collect and analyze feedback from clients to identify areas for improvement and maintain satisfaction levels.

Pipeline Visibility: Track the progression of leads through the sales pipeline to understand which activities are most effective in converting prospects into customers.

Real-Time KPIs

Noom provides users with real-time feedback on their progress, allowing for timely adjustments to their approach. Similarly, a CRM system should offer real-time KPIs to enable businesses to make data-driven decisions and adapt their strategies as needed. If you cheat a day and not workout or consume too many calories, you will log the weight gain the next day. A very quick cause and effect. This involves:

Dashboard Analytics: Provide users with customizable dashboards that display key metrics such as conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer lifetime value.

Alerts and Notifications: Set up alerts for significant milestones or deviations from expected outcomes, prompting immediate action.

Forecasting Tools: Use historical data to forecast future performance and identify potential challenges or opportunities.

Training and Coaching

Noom provides training about food, various food types and how to make good food decisions. If you fail to log a meal or two you quickly receive a motivational text reminding you of your goal and to complete the activity you missed.

By emulating the accountability, focus on the right activities, and provision of real-time KPIs, training and coaching found in weight loss apps like Noom, CRM systems can revolutionize the way businesses manage their client relationships.

Just imagine the AI in the CRM identifies you have not made your outbound call target for two days and sends you a motivational text. Or the AI notices your sales seem to be stalling in one phase of the sales process and sends you a short course to help with sales skills or mindset with a short quiz to ensure you remember it. The tool cl reviews all salespeople and sends real time actionable insights to sales managers regrading who might need help. The tool could review the entire team and suggest additional training coaching. The tool could send texts to salespeople reminding them to follow up on a quote or other tasks.

By staying accountable, measuring the right activities, and leveraging real-time insights, businesses can foster stronger connections with their customers and drive sustainable growth. Just as Noom helps users achieve their wellness goals, a well-designed CRM can help businesses achieve their customer relationship objectives.

I want to speak with the CEO of Noom and develop a CRM salespeople would enjoy using.

Or is there a CRM out there now like the Noom App helping salespeople hit their numbers each day?

If so, I have not found one yet, ( and neither has my clients) but I welcome you sharing the name of one if you have found one.

The data tells us top performing salespeople use their CRM as a tool to hit their key objectives even if the tool itself is not designed for a salesperson.

Have you invested in a CRM?

Are your salespeople using it correctly or just the bare minimum?

Are gathering actionable insights to help sales close more sales or is it a struggle just to get your team to log meetings and next steps?

The right CRM with the right training and sales mindset about why and how to use it will increase revenue, customer satisfaction and gross margins.

Let’s chat if you want to understand if your sales team is using your CRM to it’s full capacity to drive explosive growth.

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